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(广东南华工商职业学院 信息工程与商务管理学院,广东 广州 510507)

摘  要:为了解决常规图像目标定位识别方法存在的识别准确率较低问题,实现图像目标精准定位识别,该文设计一种新的基于深度学习的图像目标精准定位识别方法,提取图像 CNN 特征以降低定位识别难度,构建图像定位深度学习识别模型以提高识别图像的特征表达能力,设计 Faster 图像定位识别算法以优化识别网络结构,从而实现图像目标定位识别。实验结果表明,设计的图像目标深度学习精准定位识别方法的识别准确率较高,识别效果较好,符合图像目标定位识别的需求,有一定的应用价值。



基金项目:2023 年广东省科技创新战略专项资金(“攀登计划”专项资金)(pdjh2023b0929);广东省高职教育教学改革研究与实践项目(GDJG2021175);2021 年校级质量工程移动互联网应用技术协同创新中心阶段性成果(2021ZL01)

中图分类号:TP391                                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2023)02-0083-04

Research on Image Target Location and Recognition Based on Deep Learning

LIN Yongtao, CUI Ning, ZHAO Zhijun, LI Yuan, HUANG Wanxin

(School of Information Engineering and Business Management, Guangdong Nanhua Vocational College of Industry and Commerce, Guangzhou 510507, China)

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of low recognition accuracy of conventional image target location and recognition methods, and achieve image target accurate location and recognition, this paper designs a new image target accurate location and recognition method based on deep learning, extracts image CNN features to reduce the difficulty of location and recognition, and constructs an image location deep learning recognition model to improve the feature expression ability of the recognized image, Fast image location and recognition algorithm is designed to optimize the recognition network structure, so as to achieve image target location and recognition. The experimental results show that the designed image target deep learning precise location recognition method has high recognition accuracy and good recognition effect, which meets the needs of image target location and recognition and has certain application value.

Keywords: deep learning; image; target; location; recognition; research


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