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DIV+CSS 布局技术在网页设计中的应用
(江苏省吴江中等专业学校,江苏 苏州 215229)

摘  要:随着互联网技术的快速发展,人们对网页功能的需求更加多元化,网页设计的作用日益凸显,网页界面的功能布局、整洁程度、新颖程度等在网页设计中发挥着至关重要的作用。DIV+CSS 技术在网页布局中具有代码剪辑程度高、内容表现突出、灵活性高以及设计效率高等优势,使其在网页设计与开发中的应用越来越广泛。基于此,文章阐述了 DIV+CSS 技术在网页设计中的优势及原理,并以大数据智能控制中心系统的网站为例进行了网页布局探究。

关键词:DIV+CSS 技术;布局;网页设计


中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2023)02-0087-04

Application of DIV+CSS Layout Technology in Webpage Design

CHEN Hongmin

(Jiangsu Wujiang Secondary Vocational School, Suzhou 215229, China)

Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet technology, people's needs for webpage functions are more diversified, and the role of webpage design is increasingly prominent. The functional layout, cleanliness and novelty of webpage interface play a crucial role in webpage design. DIV+CSS technology has the advantages of high code editing, outstanding content performance, high flexibility and high design efficiency in webpage layout, which makes it more and more widely used in webpage design and development. Based on this, this paper expounds the advantages and principles of DIV+CSS technology in webpage design, and takes the website of big data intelligent control center system as an example to explore the webpage layout.

Keywords: DIV+CSS technology; layout; webpage design


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