摘 要:高校干部培训是增强高校干部职业素养和提升专业能力的重要途径。在新时代下,为加强高校干部培训和信息技术的融合,进一步完善高校培训体系,切实提升高校干部学习效率,分析高校干部学习的特点和组织形式,从高校培训现状和培训业务流程进行调研,针对存在的主要问题,进行高校干部学习图谱研究,并设计开发一套适应高校培训场景的高校干部学习图谱信息系统,以期为高校干部学习培训带来切实有效的成果。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0069-05
Design and Implementation of a Learning Graph Information System for University Cadres Based on Java Web
SUN Tengda, QIN Sujie, KONG Weipin, LIU Jianing, MA Junsheng
(Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024 ,China)
Abstract: The training of college cadres is an important way to enhance the professional quality and professional ability of college cadres. In the new era, in order to strengthen the integration of college cadre training and information technology, further improve the college training system, effectively improve the learning efficiency of college cadres, this paper analyzes the characteristics and organizational forms of college cadre learning, conducts research from the current situation of college training and training business processes, and carries out research on the learning graph of college cadres against the existing main problems. And it designs and develops a set of learning graph information system for college cadres to adapt to the scene of college training, in order to bring practical and effective results for learning and training of college cadres.
Keywords: learning graph; college cadre training; college cadre learning; information system; system development
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