摘 要:面对当前疫情防控的实际需求,自动化检测可以减少管理人员与他人接触感染的风险且能使疫情防控管理更加高效。针对人脸佩戴口罩识别问题,利用深度学习的神经网络自动提取目标特征的优点,将获取的数据集通过 LabelImg 标注软件进行标注,使用 YOLOv5 目标检测算法训练网络模型,实现对佩戴口罩和未佩戴口罩的检测;通过 PyQt5 设计并实现了疫情防控口罩佩戴检测系统,提高了疫情防控效率。
中图分类号:TP183 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0065-05
Design and Implementation of Epidemic Prevention and Control Mask Wearing Detection System Based on YOLOv5
YUAN Ying, LIU Xufeng
(Yinchuan University of Energy, Yinchuan 750105, China)
Abstract: Faced with the actual needs of current epidemic prevention and control, automated testing can reduce the risk of infection between management personnel and others and make epidemic prevention and control management more efficient. Aiming at the recognition problem of a face mask wearing, the advantage of deep learning neural network to automatically extract target features is utilized. The obtained dataset is labeled using LabelImg labeling software, and the YOLOv5 target detection algorithm is used to train the network model to achieve the detection whether the mask is worn or not; The epidemic prevention and control mask wearing detection system is designed and implemented through PyQt5, improving the efficiency of epidemic prevention and control.
Keywords: deep learning; YOLOv5; mask wearing detection
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