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基于Matlab 的烟气黑度值测量
(1. 河北大学电子与信息工程学院,河北 保定 071000;2. 北京航天控制仪器研究所,北京 100000)

摘  要:我国是个能源生产和消费大国,又是一个以煤炭为主要能源的国家,能源消费的过程中大气污染问题更加严峻。例如:最近一年雾霾污染频频爆发,影响范围不断扩大、程度愈加严重。为了落实国家节能减排实施纲要,从源头治理,必然要加强对污染源的监控,为了能够做到有效的节能环保,烟气黑度测量对工业生产中烟雾排放的监测十分必要。本文就是结合了当今计算机图像识别和网络技术,基于Matlab7.0 软件平台,利用Matlab 图像处理工具箱和函数算法编程对采集到的烟尘图像进行一系列数字图像处理。确保了烟气黑度测量的效率和准确性。


中图分类号:TP274.4;X831       文献标识码:A       文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0109-03

The Value of Matlab Measurement Based on Blackness

ZHANG Yan1,DONG Yongfeng2

(1.College of Electronic Information Engineering,Hebei University,Baoding 071000,China;2.Beijing Institute of Spaceflight Control Instruments,Beijing 100000,China)

Abstract:China is a country of energy production and consumption,and a country with coal as the main energy source. The problem of air pollution is more severe in the process of energy consumption.For example,in the last year,the fog and haze pollution erupted frequently,the scope of influence was expanding and the degree was more serious. In order to implement the national energysaving emission reduction implementation of the program,from the source of governance,must strengthen the monitoring of pollution sources,in order to achieve effective energy saving and environmental protection,monitoring and measurement of smoke blackness in industrial production is very necessary. This paper is a combination of computer image recognition and network technology. Based on the Matlab7.0 software platform,we use Matlab image processing toolbox and function algorithm programming to do a series of digital image processing on the collected smoke and dust images. To ensure the efficiency and accuracy of measurement of blackness.

Keywords:ringelmann blackness;energy saving and environmental protection;Matlab;digital image processing


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作者简介:张炎(1994.08 -),男,汉族,山东济宁人,硕 士研究生在读,现就读于通信与信息系统专业;董永峰(1993.04 -), 男,汉族,河北衡水人,调试员,研究方向:仪器调试。