
​基于云网融合的现代学徒制人才培养机制研究 ——以计算机网络技术专业为例
(嘉兴职业技术学院,浙江 嘉兴 314036)

摘  要:依托嘉兴职业技术学院“教育部第二批现代学徒制试点”建设工作,在计算机网络技术专业现代学徒制试点工作的推动过程中,确定以网络工程员和云计算工程员为目标岗位,创建了云网融合现代学徒班。依据典型岗位标准制定专业教学标准,对人才培养模式进行改革创新,以生产性项目为导向进行课程体系优化,总结了试点工作取得的一些成果,同时将存在的问题进行剖析、提出建议。


中图分类号:G712;TP393         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0176-05

Research on the Training Mechanism of Modern Apprenticeship Talents Based on the Integration of Cloud and Internet

——Take Computer Network Technology as an Example

SHEN Xiaoping,XIAO Wenhong,ZHANG Houjun

(Jiaxing Vocational Technical College,Jiaxing 314036,China)

Abstract:Relying on the construction work of “the second batch of modern apprenticeship pilot project of the Ministry of education” of Jiaxing Vocational Technical College,in the process of promoting the experiment of modern apprenticeship of computer network technology major,the target positions of network engineer and cloud computing engineer are determined,and the modern apprenticeship class of cloud-network integration is established. According to the standard of typical posts,develop professional teaching standard,the talents cultivation mechanism is reformed and innovated,optimizes the curriculum system based on the productive projects,summarizes some achievements of the pilot work,and analyzes the existing problems and puts forward some suggestions.

Keywords:modern apprenticeship;cloud network integration;school enterprise cooperation

基金项目:嘉兴职业技术学院科研项目(jz yx201912)


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作者简介:沈晓萍(1982-),女,汉族,浙江平湖人,讲师,硕士,研究方向:计算机网络、信息安全技术、物联网工程。 ​