
(北部湾大学,广西 钦州 535011)

摘  要:随着互联网的飞速发展,网络舆情越发引起社会的重视。通过对北部湾大学的 595 名大学生进行问卷调查,发现虽然我国通过这几年的治理,推动了综合治网体系建设,逐步还给了社会一个清朗的网络空间。但在当今青年大学生群体中依然存在信谣、传谣的现象,研究发现在青年大学生群体中,存在接收网络谣言前存在的预防不足问题,接收网络谣言后存在的信息鉴别问题,在网络谣言扩散后存在的纠偏问题。


中图分类号:G206         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0189-03

Analysis of the Current Situation of the Spread of Internet Rumors Among Young College Students

ZHANG Fei,ZHANG Shuilian

(Beibu Gulf University,Qinzhou 535011,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of the internet,network public opinion has attracted more and more attention of the society. Through a questionnaire survey of 595 college students in Beibu Gulf University,it is found that although the comprehensive network management system has been promoted through the governance in recent years in China,it has gradually returned to the society a clear network space. However,there are still the phenomenon of believing and spreading rumors among the young college students. The research found that in the young college students,there are the problems of insufficient prevention before receiving the internet rumors,the problems of information identification after receiving the internet rumors,and the problems of correction after the internet rumors spread.

Keywords:internet rumors;young college students;information dissemination

基金项目:高校思想政治工作专项资金项目;2017 年钦州学院维护学校安全稳定立项研究课题(2017QYAW03)


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