
(浙江传媒学院,浙江 杭州 310018)

摘  要:大型仪器设备在高校人才培养、服务社会、研究创新中发挥着重要作用,推进大型仪器设备信息化、智能化管理是实践教学发展的需要。文章结合浙江传媒学院实际情况,进行了大型仪器设备管理模式的改革,制定了大型仪器设备的相关管理制度、整理完善大型仪器设备的相关技术资料,搭建大型仪器设备管理系统平台及移动终端管理软件,并介绍了管理系统平台及移动终端管理软件的设计框架和功能。


中图分类号:G647         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0191-03

Reform and Practice of Management Mode of Large Instrument and Equipment

ZHU Jinjin

(Communication University of Zhejiang,Hangzhou 310018,China)

Abstract:Large instruments and equipment in the university personnel training,service society,research and innovation play an important role in the promotion of large instruments and equipment information,intelligent management is the need of the development of practical teaching. Combining the reality of Communication University of Zhejiang,the management mode of large-scale instruments and equipment is reformed,the relevant management system of large-scale instruments and equipment is formulated,the relevant technical data of large-scale instruments and equipment are sorted out and perfected,the management system platform of large-scale instruments and equipment and the management software of mobile terminal are built,and the design framework and functions of management system platform and management software of mobile terminal are introduced.

Keywords:large instrument;equipment management;mobile terminal

基金项目:2018 年浙江省高等教育学会实验室工作研究项目(YB201824)


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作者简介:朱津津(1980-),女,汉族,浙江永康人,实验师,中级职称,硕士,主要研究方向:电子信息技术。 ​