
(山东外事职业大学,山东 威海 264504)

摘  要:目前全国很多职业院校热衷于组织学生参加各类职业技能大赛,把大赛成绩作为衡量学校本专业教学水平的标准。通过对以计算机网络技术大赛为代表的技能大赛的研究,认真分析了技能大赛在教学体系结构、教学内容、指导老师、参赛学生及校企合作等几个方面对学校教学改革的影响,并提出了相应的改革措施,以期调动学校领导组织、指导老师和在校学生参与技能大赛的主动性与积极性,为社会培养出更多高素质的技能型人才。


中图分类号:G712.0         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0196-03

Research on the Reform of Computer Network Teaching in the Skill Competition of Vocational Colleges

QIAO Shouhe

(Shandong University of Foreign Affairs,Weihai 264504,China)

Abstract:At present,many vocational colleges in China are keen to organize students to participate in all kinds of vocational skill competitions,and take the results of the competitions as the standard to measure the teaching level of the major. Based on the research of the skill competition represented by the computer network technology competition,this paper analyzes the influence of the skill competition on the school teaching reform in the aspects of teaching system structure,teaching content,instructor,students participating in the competition and school enterprise cooperation,and puts forward the corresponding reform measures in order to mobilize the school leaders,instructors and students participating in the skill competition Initiative and enthusiasm,for the society to cultivate more highquality skilled personnel.

Keywords:vocational colleges;skill competition;computer;teaching reform


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