
基于CDIO 的高职信息安全与管理专业课程体系研究
(北京信息职业技术学院,北京 100018)

摘  要:为了培养适应信息安全产业发展需求的高水平技术技能人才,以课程体系建设为着眼点,重点研究CDIO 能力大纲构成,构建信息安全专业技术推理、个人与专业技能、人际交往能力,企业和社会环境的构思、设计、实施与运行的能力大纲,并形成融合CDIO 理念的专业课程体系和课程评价模式。实践表明,该课程体系符合工程教育特点,能有效提升学生工程实践能力。


中图分类号:TP309;G712         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0191-03

Research on the Curriculum System of Information Security and Management in Higher Vocational Education Based on CDIO


(Beijing Information Technology College,Beijing 100018,China)

Abstract:In order to cultivate high-level technical and technical talents to meet the needs of the development of information security industry,focusing on the construction of curriculum system,this paper focuses on the composition of CDIO capability outline,constructs the capability outline of information security professional technical reasoning,personal and professional skills,interpersonal skills,and the conception,design,implementation and operation of enterprise and social environment,and forms the concept of CDIO integration Professional curriculum system and curriculum evaluation model. The practice shows that the course system conforms to the characteristics of engineering education and can effectively improve students’engineering practice ability.

Keywords:CDIO;information security;curriculum system


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