
新工科背景下物联网工程专业实践教学改革研究 ——以智能与信息工程学院为例
(滇西科技师范学院 智能与信息工程学院,云南 临沧 677000)

摘  要:新工科专业群建设体现了学科交叉、突出技术应用的特点,非常契合应用型本科高校人才培养的途径,文章通过介绍滇西边疆高校的物联网工程专业办学经验,探讨实践教学改革的途径和挑战,提出实践教学体系,文章认为实践教学改革应当实施以学生为中心的改革之路,紧扣物联网和新工科技术发展方向,努力实现校企间人才无缝对接,提高学生就业竞争力。


中图分类号:G420         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0196-03

Research on the Practical Teaching Reform of Internet of Things Engineering under the Background of New Engineering

——Take the School of Artificial Intelligence & Information Engineering as an Example

SI Biao

(School of Artificial Intelligence & Information Engineering,West Yunnan University,Lincang 677000,China)

Abstract:The construction of new engineering specialty group reflects the characteristics of interdisciplinary and technology application,which is very suitable for the way of talent cultivation of application-oriented undergraduate colleges. This paper introduces the experience of running the internet of things engineering specialty in the universities in the west of Yunnan Province,discusses the ways and challenges of practical teaching reform,and puts forward the practical teaching system. The article holds that the practical teaching reform should be carried out with students as the center on the way of reform,we should closely follow the development direction of the internet of things and new engineering technology,strive to realize the seamless connection of talents between schools and enterprises,and improve the employment competitiveness of students.

Keywords:new engineering;internet of things;practical teaching

基金项目:云南省教育厅2018 年度本科教育教学改革研究项目(JG2018247)


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