
王云 ¹,秦日霞²
(1. 山西师范大学 山西基础教育质量提升协同创新中心,山西 临汾 041004; 2. 山西师范大学 教育科学学院,山西 临汾 041004)

摘  要:基于最近十年教育技术领域八本CSSCI 期刊所刊载的文章,采用作者合作网络分析、突现词汇探究分析、关键词共现及其聚类分析、时间线和时序图谱分析等可视化分析方法,深入研究2010—2020 年我国教育技术领域权威学者、研究前沿、热点及其变迁等维度的知识图谱。分析我国教育技术研究领域的现状,明确今后的发展方向,并为之后相关学者的研究提供参考。


中图分类号:G434         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)23-0164-07

Research on the Construction of Knowledge Map for the Current Situation of Educational Technology in China

WANG Yun1,QIN Rixia2

(1.Shanxi Basic Education Quality Promotion Collaborative Innovation Center,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041004,China;2.College of Educational Sciences,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041004,China)

Abstract:Based on articles published in eight CSSCI journals in the field of educational technology in recent ten years,in this paper,the visualization analysis methods such as the author’s collaborative network analysis,emergent vocabulary exploration analysis,keyword co-occurrence and clustering analysis,time line and time series graph analysis are used to deep study the knowledge map with the following dimension of authoritative scholars,research frontiers,hotspots and their changes in the field of educational technology in China from 2010 to 2020. This paper analyzes the current situation of educational technology research field in China, clarifies it’s future development direction,and provides reference for the future research of relevant scholars.

Keywords:educational technology;knowledge map;research frontier;visualization analysis;cluster analysis


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