
COMSOL 软件在“光纤通信”课程中的教学应用
(唐山学院 智能与信息工程学院,河北 唐山 063000)

摘  要:针对“光纤通信”课程中光纤传输原理复杂烦琐的推导求解问题,将COMSOL 软件的丰富计算和后处理功能引入到“光纤通信”课程教学中,对COMSOL 软件应用到“光纤通信”课程光纤模场的教学进行设计,利用COMSOL 软件教学形象直观地展示出光纤模场分布,并简化“光纤通信”课程中复杂枯燥的推导过程,提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效率,从而达到提高“光纤通信”这门课程教学效果的目的。


TN929.11;G642;TP319         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)24-0192-04

Teaching Application of COMSOL Software in “Optical Fiber Communication” Courses

JIANG Linghong,ZHANG Yinpu

(College of Intelligence and Information Engineering,Tangshan University,Tangshan 063000,China)

Abstract:In view of the complicated derivation and solution of optical fiber transmission principle in the “Optical Fiber Communication” courses,this paper introduces the rich calculation and post-processing functions of COMSOL software into the teaching of “Optical Fiber Communication” courses,designs the application of COMSOL software to the teaching of optical fiber mode field for“Optical Fiber Communication” coursers,and uses COMSOL software to visually display the distribution of optical fiber mode field and simplify the complicated and boring derivation process of “Optical Fiber Communication” courses,which can improve students’learning interest and efficiency,so as to achieve the purpose of improving the teaching effect of “Optical Fiber Communication” courses.

Keywords:COMSOL;“Optical Fiber Communication” courses teaching application;simulation



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