
基于 AutoCAD 课程的线上线下混合教学实践
(贵州商学院 计算机与信息工程学院,贵州 贵阳 550014)

摘  要:AutoCAD 课程是高等学校工科专业的基础课程之一,在以就业为导向的背景下,该课程对学生来说非常重要。基于 AutoCAD 课程课时少、知识点多、理论与实践相结合的特点,为保证教学质量和效果,在实际教学过程中,采用线上与线下混合的教学模式,将 MOOC 资源和超星学习通平台作为线上资源,最大限度地使学生获得更多的理论知识,同时进行线下实践教学,激发学生的学习兴趣、提高学生的动手能力并且提升学生的就业竞争力。



基金项目:教育部第二批国家级新工科研究 与实践项目(E-DXKJC20200524);2019 年度 贵州商学院院级重点项目课题(2019YJZD01)

中图分类号:TU855;TP391;G434                         文献标识码:A                            文章编号:2096-4706(2021)06-0195-04

Online and Offline Blended Learning Practice Based on AutoCAD Course

LI Kunqin

(Computer and Information Engineering College,Guizhou Universitey of Commerce,Guiyang 550014,China)

Abstract:AutoCAD course is one of the basic courses for engineering majors in universities. Under the employment oriented background,the course is very important for students. Based on the characteristics of less class hours,more knowledge points and the combination of theory and practice in AutoCAD course,in order to ensure the teaching quality and effect,the online and offline blended learning mode is adopted in the actual teaching process. MOOC resources and Chaoxing Learning APP platform are used as online resources to make students obtain more theoretical knowledge to the maximum extent and carry out offline practice teaching,stimulate students' interest in learning,improve their practical ability and enhance their employment competitiveness.

Keywords:AutoCAD;online and offline;teaching practice


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作者简介:李坤芩(1984—),女,彝族,贵州施秉人,助教, 硕士研究生,研究方向:互联网工程相关教学。