
基于 Proteus 的“微机接口技术”课程实验教学改革
(西安理工大学,陕西 西安 710048)

摘  要:文章以一流本科课程建设的“两性一度”基本原则为宗旨,以 Proteus 虚拟仿真实验内容为依托,对“微机接口技术”课程实践环节进行改革,构建了“基础验证性 + 开放设计性 + 综合创新性”的三层次实验教学模式,使实验课程教学在经典性的基础上,融入现代先进信息技术,提升高阶性,结合项目驱动式可自由选择的设计内容,突出创新性。层次化实验教学模式和虚拟仿真实验教学内容增强了对于教师和学生的挑战度,同时为线上实验教学提供了有力支撑。



基金项目:西安理工大学 2020 年校级教育 教学改革研究项目(xjy2021)

中图分类号:TP368.1;G434                                    文献标志码:A                         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0179-06

Experimental Teaching Reform of “Microcomputer Interface Technology” Based on Proteus

LIU Lijuan,LIU Na

(Xi’an University of Technology,Xi’an 710048,China)

Abstract:In this paper,based on the basic principle of “Two Properties and One Criteria” of the construction of first-class undergraduate courses and the Proteus virtual reality experimental content,the practice link of “Microcomputer Interface Technology” course is reformed and a three-level experimental teaching model of “basic verification+open design+comprehensive innovation” is constructed. So that the experimental course teaching is integrated into modern advanced information technology on the basis of classics and its higher order is improved,combined with project driven design content that can be freely selected and its innovation is highlighted. Hierarchical experimental teaching mode and virtual reality experimental teaching content enhance the challenge to teachers and students. It provides strong support for online experimental teaching at the same time.

Keywords:“Microcomputer Interface Technology” course;two properties and one criteria;three-level;virtual realilty experiment


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作者简介:刘丽娟(1989—),女,汉族,陕西渭南人,助理 工程师,硕士,研究方向:微机原理、嵌入式等实验教学;刘娜(1989 —),女,汉族,陕西咸阳人,助理实验师,硕士,研究方向:计 算机系统结构。