
(宁夏幼儿师范高等专科学校,宁夏 银川 750001)

摘  要:文章主要介绍如何在计算机应用基础课程之图文混排奖状制作中应用线上线下融合式教学模式。课前通过学习通平台发放自学资料包给学生,课中在智慧学习环境下通过创设情境让学生解决与专业相关的实际问题,使学生在获得技能知识的同时提升专业素养,课后通过设置不同难度的作业和讨论题让学生巩固复习。最后从融合式教学模式更加注重实现人的潜能和价值,以及计算机技术可以优化协作学习分组模式两个角度进行了反思,以期就如何在计算机基础课中实现创新教学,为教育工作者提供一定的参考。



课题项目:2019 年宁夏回族自治区教育厅 教学改革项目(193)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                           文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)18-0186-05

Exploration of Online-Merge-Offline Teaching Mode —Taking the Award Making of Mixed Arrangement of Pictures and Texts in the Course of “Basic Computer Application” as an Example

WU Qiong

(Ningxia Preschool Education College, Yinchuan 750001, China)

Abstract: This paper mainly applies the online-merge-offline teaching mode in the graphic mixed arrangement award course based on computer application, distributes micro courses, autonomous learning task list and other information packages to students through the learning platform before class, and appropriately adjusts the teaching through students’ feedback, In the class, under the intelligent learning environment, create situations to enable students to solve practical problems related to their majors to obtain skills and knowledge and improve their professional quality. After class, on the one hand, consolidate the review by setting assignments with different difficulties, on the other hand, guide students to theoretically summarize the practical contents by setting discussion questions. Finally, this paper reflects on the integrated-teaching mode, which pays more attention to the realization of human potential and value, and the grouping mode of collaborative learning can be optimized by computer technology, in order to provide inspiration and thinking on how to innovate the teaching of computer basic courses.

Keywords: Computer Basic Course; integrated-teaching mode; intelligent learning environment; collaborative learning


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