
基于课堂派和 PTA 的混合式教学实践与探索
(1. 集美大学诚毅学院,福建 厦门 361021;2. 集美大学 计算机工程学院 福建 厦门 361021)

摘  要:针对新工科建设对人才培养的需求,基于课堂派和 PTA 双平台,对 C 语言程序设计课程展开混合式教学改革。利用课堂派平台丰富的教学资源、教学工具,结合 PTA 平台的 OJ 系统优势,设计课前、课中、课后混合式教学模式,训练和提高学生程序设计能力和计算思维能力。实践表明,基于课堂派和 PTA 平台的混合式教学模式能有效激发学生学习兴趣、增强学习主动性和积极性,显著提升教学效果、教学质量,为今后其他程序设计类课程改革的探索提供有价值的借鉴。

关键词:混合式教学;课堂派;PTA;C 语言程序设计


基金项目:2020 年福建省一流本科课程(闽 教高〔2020〕23 号);集美大学诚毅学院第六批 教育教学改革研究项目(CJ 20186);集美大学 诚毅学院 2020 年教育教学改革项目(CJ20217)

中图分类号:TP39;G642                                       文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0183-04

Practice and Exploration of Blended Learning Mode Based on Ketangpai and PTA Platform

HE Yinggang1 , ZHENG Rubin2 , YE Xiaohong1 , XIA Lili 1 , WANG Yu1

(Chengyi University College, Jimei University, Fujian 361021, China; 2.College of Computer Engineering, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China)

Abstract: According to the requirements of talent training in the construction of new engineering, based on the dual platforms of Ketangpai and PTA, the blended teachihng reform of C language programming course is carried out. Making use of the rich teaching resources and teaching tools of the Ketangpai platform, combined with the OJ system advantages of PTA platform, design the blended learning mode before, during and after class, train and improve students’ programming ability and computational thinking ability. Practice shows that the blended learning mode based on Ketangpai and PTA platform can effectively stimulate students’ learning interest, enhance their learning initiative and enthusiasm, significantly improve teaching effect and teaching quality, and provide valuable reference for the exploration of other programming course reform in the future.

Keywords: blended learning; Ketangpai; PTA; C language programming


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作者简介:何颖刚(1981—),男,汉族,福建漳州人,讲师, 硕士,研究方向:机器学习、图像处理、人工智能。