摘 要:FluidSIM 仿真软件具有绘图简便、模拟工作过程直观的特性。文章针对高职机电类“液压与气压传动技术”课程教学过程中存在的学生积极性不高、参与度低的问题,提出在课程教学中引入 FluidSIM 仿真软件。以 1HY40 型动力滑台液压系统为例,介绍了FluidSIM仿真软件在教学中的具体应用。FluidSIM逼真的仿真效果,极大地调动了学生参与课堂教学的积极性,教师在教学过程中也更加得心应手,在提高教学效率的同时有效突破了教学重难点。
关键词:FluidSIM;1HY40 型动力滑台;液压系统
基金项目:2021 年度江苏省高校哲学社会 科学研究项目(2021SJA1153)
中图分类号:TP39;G420 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)24-0194-05
Application of FluidSIM Simulation Technology in Practical Teaching of “Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission Technology” —Take the Hydraulic System of 1HY40 Power Slide as an Example
ZHU Jinghua, ZHUANG Yan, WANG Xiaohan
(Jiuzhou Polytechnic, Xuzhou 221116, China)
Abstract: FluidSIM simulation software has the characteristics of simple drawing and intuitive simulation of working process. Aiming at the problems of low enthusiasm and low participation of students in the teaching of “hydraulic and pneumatic transmission technology” electromechanical course in higher vocational colleges, this paper puts forward the introduction of FluidSIM simulation software into the course teaching. Taking the hydraulic system of 1HY40 power slide as an example, this paper introduces the specific application of FluidSIM simulation software in teaching. The vivid simulation effect of FluidSIM has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of students to participate in classroom teaching, and teachers are more handy in the teaching process. While improving the teaching efficiency, they have effectively broken through the key and difficult points of teaching.
Keywords: FluidSIM; 1HY40 power slide; hydraulic system
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