
(郑州科技学院,河南 郑州 450064)

摘  要:线上线下混合式教学逐渐在电子信息类课程中普及,这既是机遇亦是挑战。一方面,在新工科背景下要求课程内容要多学科、多元化交叉融合;另一方面,新时代中国特色社会主义思想在高等教育电子信息类课程中如何实践和落实,思政元素在工科课程中如何有效地融入等问题需要进一步的去研究和探索。从教师及学生多重角度去思考,将课程思政贯穿到“线上线下”混合教学的整个环节,旨在基于多元化的教学设计和推进新工科专业课程思政建设,实现全方位、全过程育人。



课题项目:河南省民办教育协会 2020 年度立项课题(HNMXL20210823);河南省教育科学“十四五”规划课题(2021YB0364);郑州科技学院校级教改课题(2020JGYB15)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                           文献标识码:A                                         文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0188-04

Research and Practice of Ideological and Political Teaching of Electronic Information Courses under the Background of New Engineering

LIU Junyun, ZHANG Jun, NIU Dandan

(Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou 450064, China)

Abstract: Online and offline blending learning is gradually popularized in electronic information courses, which is both an opportunity and a challenge. On the one hand, under the background of new engineering, the courses content is required to cross connection and mix together for multidisciplinary and diversification. On the other hand, how to practice and implement the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in higher education electronic information courses in the new era, and how to effectively integrate ideological and political elements into engineering courses need further research and exploration. Think from multiple angles of teachers and students, and run the courses of ideology and politics through the whole link of “online and offline” blending learning, aiming to realize all-round and whole process education based on diversified teaching design and promoting the ideological and political construction of new engineering professional courses.

Keywords: new engineering; ideological and political education of course; electronic information


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