摘 要:高职电子商务专业的大部分课程教学可以依托互联网平台进行实战教学,但是在教学过程中也出现了部分内容无法落地的问题。随着 SPOC 模式的兴起和电商类模拟软件蓬勃发展,可以很好地弥补线下教学和实战模式的不足。以“网络零售运营”课程为例,构建“实战 + 模拟 +SPOC”的“三平台、六导式”混合式教学生态系统,并加以实践。实践证明,线上线下相结合、模拟实战相结合细化考核方式的混合式教学生态系统较大地提升了教学效果。
基金项目:2019 年绍兴职业技术学院教学改革研究项目(JG3201902);2019 年浙江省“十三五”第一批教学改革研究项目(jg20180702)
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0186-06
Design and Practice of a Blending Learning Ecosystem Based on “Actual Combat +Simulation + SPOC”—Take the Course of “Online Retail Operation” as an Example
NIE Shuangshuang, WANG Yueting, SHEN Lan, ZHANG Junpu
(Shaoxing Vocational and Technical College, Shaoxing 312000, China)
Abstract: Most courses teaching of higher vocational e-commerce major can rely on the Internet platform for actual combat teaching, but in the teaching process, there are also problems that some content can not be landed. With the rise of SPOC mode and the vigorous development of e-commerce simulation software, they can well make up for the shortcomings of offline teaching and actual combat mode. Taking the course of “Online Retail Operation” as an example, it builds a “three-platform, six-lead” hybrid teaching ecosystem of “actual combat + simulation + SPOC” and puts it into practice. Practice has proved that the hybrid teaching ecosystem combining online with offline, simulation with actual combat and refined assessment methods has greatly improved the teaching effect.
Keywords: Internet actual combat; simulation actual training; Blending Learning; teaching ecosystem
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