摘 要:“PLC 应用技术”是一门职业性、实用性较强的专业课程,该课程的教学效果对机电一体化专业人才培养体系有着重大的影响。基于此,为了提高“PLC 应用技术”课程的教学质量,培养学生的知识转换层次和工程实践能力,提出了线上、线下混合教学模式,并探究了如何利用线上、线下混合教学模式解决“PLC 应用技术”课程教学中存在的问题,旨在为“PLC应用技术”课程改革和专业发展提供助力。
关键词:线上线下混合教学;PLC 应用技术;智慧职教;教学改革
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0192-04
Discussion on Online and Offline Blending Learning Reform of “PLC Application Technology” Course
YANG Xingchen
(College of Coal and Chemical Industry, Shaanxi Energy Institute, Xianyang 712000, China)
Abstract: “PLC application technology” is a professional course with strong professionalism and practicality. The teaching effect of the course has a significant impact on the electromechanical integration professional talent training system. Based on this, in order to improve the teaching quality of the “PLC Application Technology” course and cultivate students’ knowledge conversion level and engineering practice ability, the online and offline Blending Learning mode is proposed, and how to use the online and offline blending learning mode to solve the problems existing in the “PLC Application Technology” course teaching is explored. It aims to provide help for the curriculum reform and professional development of “PLC Application Technology”.
Keywords: online and offline Blending Learning; PLC application technology; smart vocational education; teaching reform
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