摘 要:对于地铁信号订单班的单片机技术实训课程,以培养学生的技能为主线,在实训过程中注重训练学生逻辑分析能力,培养一丝不苟的工匠精神。为达以上目的,设计了根据光敏模块采集光线强度来控制电机的正反转,并能通过按键切换电机的控制模式。实训过程中学生独立思考,积极编写、调试代码,下课后按实训室 6S 管理要求整理归类实训器材。通过实训培养了订单班学生编程技能和一丝不苟的工匠精神。
关键词:地铁信号订单班;工匠精神;6S 管理;实训设计
课题项目:湖北省职业技术教育学会科学研究课题(ZJGA201903); 中国交通教育研究会 2020-2022 年度交通教育科学研究课题(JTYB20-247);交通运输数字化网络教学资源共建共享课题(中交职教集团 2021-01-97)
中图分类号:TP39;G712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)08-0188-03
Exploration on the Integration of Craftsman Spirit into the Practical Training Teaching of Urban Rail Signal Specialty—Practical Training Design of Stepping Motor Automatic Control
(Wuhan Technical College of Communications, Wuhan 430065, China)
Abstract: For the Single-Chip Microcomputer technology practical training course of the subway signal order class, this paper cultivates students’ skills as the main line, and during the practical training process, pays attention to training students’ logical analysis ability and cultivates meticulously attentive craftsman spirit. In order to achieve the above purposes, it designs to collect light intensity according to the photosensitive module to control the positive and negative rotation of electrical motor, and the control mode of the electrical motor can be switched by pressing the button. During the practical training process, students think independently, actively write and debug the codes, sort and classify practical training equipment according to the 6S management requirements of the practical training room after class. It cultivates the students in the order class programming skills and meticulously attentive craftsman spirit through practical training.
Keywords: subway signal order class; craftsman spirit; 6S management; practical training design
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