摘 要:文章介绍了在“Python”教学工作中,融入角色互换、课堂翻转、线上线下混合教学等教学手段的新型教学模式的探索。完全摒弃了传统的单一线下授课方式和试卷考核方式,以学生为中心,调动所有同学积极参与到学习中来,让同学们在知识、能力、综合素质上都有了全面的提升。文章分别从课前、课中、课后和考核方式四个维度介绍新型教学模式,并对教学创新提出一定的意见。
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)08-0184-04
Exploration and Research on New Teaching Mode Based on Multi-Teaching Means
WANG Dongxuan, WU Xuejiao, GAO Junkang, DONG Shiying
(Hebei Agricultural University, Cangzhou 061100, China)
Abstract: This paper introduces the exploration of a new teaching model that incorporates teaching methods such as role reversal, classroom flipping, and online mixing in the teaching work of Python. It completely abandons the traditional single offline teaching method and examination paper assessment method, takes students as the center and mobilizes all the students to participate actively in learning, so that students have a comprehensive improvement in knowledge, ability and comprehensive quality. This paper introduces the new teaching mode from the four dimensions of pre-class, in-class, after-class and assessment methods, and puts forward certain opinions on teaching innovation.
Keywords: teaching innovation; two performances and one degree; learning community; ability enhancement; process assessment
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