摘 要:在国家教育信息化的背景下,许多高校建成了线上教学资源平台,实现了“线上教学模式”“线上线下混合式教学模式”。随着移动互联网、5G 通信等技术迅速发展和普及,将短视频与在线教育相结合,形成了“短视频 + 教育”的新兴教学模式,也成为构建教学资源平台的一个有效途径。与录制的传统课堂视频和微课相比,短视频能够迎合学生在移动互联网环境下获取信息的习惯。通过大数据和人工智能技术对学习数据进行跟踪与分析,预测学生的学习行为并进行个性化推荐,实现个性化学习。
中图分类号:TP39;G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)08-0195-04
Research on the Dilemma and Countermeasures for Constructing College Short Video Teaching Resource Platform
ZHANG Jia, HUANG Qiaoqiao
(Science and Technology College of Hubei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyang 441025, China)
Abstract: Under the background of national education informatization, many universities have built online teaching resource platforms, and the “online teaching mode” and “online and offline hybrid teaching mode” can be carried out. With the rapid development and popularization of mobile Internet, 5G communication and other technologies, the emerging teaching mode of “short video + education” has been formed by combining short video with online education. And it has also become an effective way to build a teaching resource platform. Compared with traditional classroom video and micro-lecture, short video can meet the students’ habit of obtaining information under the mobile Internet environment. It uses the big data and artificial intelligence technology to track and analyze the learning data, predicts students’ learning behavior and makes personalized recommendation to realize personalized learning.
Keywords: short video; teaching resource; mobile Internet; personalized learning
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