摘 要:文章基于数控加工自动编程虚拟仿真思路,以文字、图像、表格、视频为载体,由低到高分四个阶段展开对MasterCAM 自动编程的学习,通过手表壳加工的实例,论述了其具体加工工艺,给出每个工步的详细设置参数,最后仿真加工出合格的零件,总结了手表壳的工艺特点,并准备以此为蓝本制作虚拟仿真互动软件。
基金项目:西安思源学院教改项目(SY2019XN005);2019 年教育厅科研项目(19JK0691)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)09-0177-06
Production Idea of Virtual Simulation Experiment for NC Machining Automatic Programming
ZHANG Honglin, YANG Hongwei, YAN Cuicui
(Institute of Technology, Xi'an Siyuan University, Xi'an 710038, China)
Abstract: Based on the virtual simulation idea of automatic programming in NC machining, this paper studies the automatic programming of MasterCAM from low to high by taking text, image, form and video as the carrier. Through the example of watch case machining, this paper discusses the specific machining process, gives the detailed setting parameters of each step, and finally simulates the machining of qualified parts, summarizes the process characteristics of watch case, and prepare to make virtual simulation interactive software based on it.
Keywords: NC machining; automatic programming; virtual simulation; MasterCAM
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