摘 要:近年来,随着“双高计划”的不断落实、推进,越来越多的课程都以在线资源课的形式出现在网络上,除了满足各院校学生的学习需求外,还可帮助不同背景、不同知识层次的用户更加便捷地学习科学文化知识。目前网络上各个平台的在线资源课程种类繁多,内容丰富,但是课程建设水平参差不齐,有待提升,文章主要从在线资源课程建设中的知识点选取原则、考核评价方式、在线资源平台的综合运用等方面展开讨论。
基金项目:咸阳职院 2021 年度“双高计划”专项研究项目(2021SGC04)
中图分类号:TP311;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)09-0182-04
Research on the Construction of Online Resources Course of Python Programming Technology
SHI Yawei
(Xianyang Vocational Technical College, Xianyang 712000, China)
Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous implementation and promotion of the “double high program”, more and more courses appear on the network in the form of online resource courses. In addition to meeting the learning needs of students in Colleges and universities, they can also help users with different backgrounds and knowledge levels learn scientific and cultural knowledge more conveniently. At present, there are many kinds and rich contents of online resource courses on various platforms on the network, but the level of course construction is uneven and needs to be improved. This paper mainly discusses the selection principles of knowledge points, assessment and evaluation methods in the construction of online resources courses, and the comprehensive application of online resources platforms.
Keywords: double high program; one million enrollment expansion; online course; evaluation method; comprehensive application
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