
高职 Web 前端开发教学中的新教法研究
(郑州电子信息职业技术学院,河南 郑州 451450)

摘  要:高职教育 Web 前端开发系列课程的优质教学经受着职教师资建设、教学内容和教材改进的考验,见证着 1+X 证书制度实施的进展和适应性,是助推职教高质量发展的有力法宝。职教中的教学法同其他层次的教学法既有统一性又有独特性,在 Web 前端开发课程的一线教学中,“减法”“错误演示法”“一题多解法”等教学法起到了事半功倍的效果。

关键词:职教;Web 前端开发;教学法


中图分类号:TP311                                     文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)10-0196-03

Research on New Teaching Method in Higher Vocational Web Frontend Development Teaching

WANG Tingting

(Zhengzhou Professional Technical Institute of Electronics & Information, Zhengzhou 451450, China)

Abstract: The quality teaching of Web front-end development series courses of higher vocational education has withstood the test of construction of vocational education teachers, teaching contents and improvement of teaching materials. It witnesses the progress and adaptability of the implementation of the 1+X certificate system, and it is a powerful magic weapon to promote the high-quality development of vocational education. Teaching methods in vocational education and teaching methods at other levels are both unified and unique. In the first-line teaching of the Web front-end development course, “Subtraction” “Error Demonstration Method” “Multiple Solutions for One Question” and other teaching methods can get twofold results with half the effort.

Keywords: vocational education; Web front-end development; teaching method


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