
(四川信息职业技术学院 软件学院,四川 广元 628017)

摘  要:面对新一轮信息技术的迅猛更新,高职院校软件技术专业教师的信息化教学能力亟待提高。文章以四川信息职业技术学院为例,针对如何提高软件技术专业教师信息化水平以适应软件开发市场需求、提升学生学习水平进行了研究。包括PTA 平台、OJ 平台、 Gitee 平台研究等,通过教学实践,切实提升了教师信息化水平,开阔了学生视野,达到了提升专业教学水平的目的。



课题项目:四川省教育信息化应用与发展中新 2021 年一般课题(JYXX21-021);中国通信工业协会 2021 年职业教育改革创新课题(2021TX010)

中图分类号:TP319;G434                                     文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0195-04

Research on Informatization Teaching of Software Technology Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges

ZHANG Junhui

(School of Software, Sichuan Vocational College of Information Technology, Guangyuan 628017, China)

Abstract: With the rapid renewal of a new round of information technology, the informatization teaching ability of teachers majoring in software technology in higher vocational colleges needs to be improved urgently. Taking Sichuan Vocational College of Information Technology as an example, this paper studies how to improve the informatization level of teachers majoring in software technology to meet the needs of software development market and improve students’ learning level. Which includes the research on PTA platform, OJ platform and Gitee platform. Through the teaching practice, it has effectively improved informatization level of teachers, broadened students’ vision and achieved the purpose of improving professional teaching level.

Keywords: software technology; informatization; personnel training 


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