
(天津职业技术师范大学,天津 300222)

摘  要:疫情防控常态化背景下,智慧教室对于高校教学作用凸显。通过工作过程中智慧教室的使用经验总结,得出了智慧教室建设的核心目标,即融合教学开展新型教学模式、应用融合数据提升过程评价以及实现智慧管理。介绍了学校智慧教室智慧互动教学平台、精品录播直播系统和智能化运行系统三大模块的具体教学应用,分析了应用过程中存在的问题,并提出了后续使用及管理对策。



中图分类号:TP39;G434                                文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0181-04

Application of Smart Classroom in Local Colleges and Universities under the Normalization of Epidemic Situation Prevention and Control


(Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China)

Abstract: Under the background of normalization of epidemic situation prevention and control, the role of smart classroom in colleges and universities teaching is prominent. Through the summary of the use experience of smart classroom in the working process, this paper obtains the core objectives of smart classroom construction, and they are integrated teaching to develop new teaching mode, applying integrated data to improve process evaluation and realizing smart management. This paper introduces the specific teaching application of the three modules of smart classroom smart interactive teaching platform in school, high-quality recorded broadcast and live broadcast system, and intelligent operation system. It analyzes the problems existing in the application process, and puts forward the follow-up use and management countermeasures.

Keywords: epidemic situation prevention and control; local college and university; smart classroom; teaching application


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