
基于 SPOC 混合教学模式的项目化课程改革实践 ——以“电机与电气控制技术”为例
(东莞职业技术学院,广东 东莞 523808)

摘  要:“电机与电气控制技术”是高职电气自动化技术专业等的核心专业课程,对学生的逻辑推理和动手能力要求较高。通过梳理该课程的知识体系,形成以岗位技术为导入的项目化课程模块,针对传统课堂教学的局限性,结合高职学生的学习特点,设计小规模限制性在线课程(SPOC)线上线下混合教学模式,该模式包括课前预习、课中研习、课后复习三个环节,利用MOOC 平台,将教、学、做有机结合,收到了较好的教学效果。




中图分类号:TP39;G434                               文献标识码:A                        文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0185-04

Practice of Project Curriculum Reform Based on SPOC Blending Learning Mode—Taking “Motor and Electrical Control Technology” as an Example

FAN Qiliang

(Dongguan Polytechnic, Dongguan 523808, China)

Abstract: “Motor and electrical control technology” is the core professional course of electrical automation technology and other majors in higher vocational colleges, which has high requirements for the logical reasoning and practical ability of students. By organizing the knowledge system of this course, a project course module guided by post technology is formed. Aiming at the limitations of traditional classroom teaching, combined with the learning characteristics of higher vocational students, a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) online and offline blending learning mode is designed. This mode includes three links: pre class preview, in class study and after class review. Using MOOC platform, it organically combines teaching, learning and doing, and has received better teaching effect.

Keywords: SPOC; blending learning; project


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