
(合肥师范学院 电子信息系统仿真设计安徽省重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230601)

摘  要:创新创业教育是一种新型教育理念,主要培养学生的创新精神和创业意识,对国家经济发展起到了重要作用,是经济快速发展的“直接驱动力”。文章研究了面向创新创业人才培养的电路分析基础课程在教学理念导向上、教学方式方法上、教学内容体系上、教学设置重构上的创新,为创新创业教育在教学改革上提供了一个新的方向,并针对叠加定理这个教学环节做了具体的分析。

关键词:叠加定理;multisim 仿真;实验教学


基金项目:安徽省高等学校省级教学示范课(2020SJJXSFK1980);安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目(2021jyxm1248,2021fwxxcy037,2021jyxm1220);安徽省高校教学研究重点项目(2020jyxm1576);2021 年省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(14098071);2020 年度目标探测与特征提取安徽省重点实验室开放基金项目(TRFE2020A003)

中图分类号:TN79;G642                                文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0188-04

Research on the Teaching Method of Basic Course of Circuit Analysis under the Background of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

WANG Yiying, JIN Lyufeng, FAN Chenghua, JIANG Xianwei, WAN Lingyu

(Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Simulation and Design for Electronic Information System, Hefei Normal University, Hefei 230601, China)

Abstract: Innovation and entrepreneurship education is a new educational concept, which mainly cultivates the innovative spirit and entrepreneurial consciousness of students. It plays an important role in national economic development and it is the “direct driving force” of rapid economic development. This paper studies the innovation of the basic course of circuit analysis for the cultivation faced to innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the guidance of teaching ideas, teaching methods, teaching content system and the reconstruction of teaching settings, which provides a new direction for the teaching reform of innovative and entrepreneurial education, and makes a specific analysis on the teaching link of superposition theorem.

 superposition theorem; multisim simulation; experimental teaching


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