
(重庆水利电力职业技术学院,重庆 402160)

摘  要:虚拟现实技术愈加“具身”的虚拟现实体验为高职教育教学提供了变革思路。文章首先将在虚拟现实技术和具身认知理论指导下搭建虚拟现实技术实训平台,探究在实践教学中学生学习体验的沉浸感、学习动机和态度之间的相关关系,其次以学科本位与知识应用、学科思维与融合运用两种方式剖析虚拟现实教学实践的四个临场维度:旁观者维度、参与者维度、沉浸者维度和创造者维度,探讨其在职业教育中的教学实践应用。



课题项目:2022 年重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学研究规划项目重点项目(22SKGH578);2021 年校级教改项目(202133)

中图分类号:TP311                                        文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0191-04

Research on Virtual Reality Technology Practical Training Platform Design and Development and Teaching Practice

WANG Shuai

(Chongqing Water Resources and Electric Engineering College, Chongqing 402160, China)

Abstract: The Virtual Reality experience that Virtual Reality (VR) technology is increasingly embodiment provides changed ideas for higher vocational education teaching. Firstly, this article will build VR technology practical training platform under the guidance of VR technology and embodied cognition theory, explore the correlation relationship among the immersion of learning experience, learning motivation and attitude in practice teaching of students. Secondly, it uses two ways of subject standard and knowledge application, subject thinking and integrated application to analyze the four presence dimensions of Virtual Reality teaching practice: bystander dimension, participant dimension, immersion dimension and the creator dimension, and discuss the teaching practice application in vocational education.

Keywords: virtual reality; Unity3D; practical training platform development; presence dimension; teaching practice


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