
(山东大卫国际建筑设计有限公司,山东 济南 250002)

摘  要:利用组态软件、虚拟仿真控制软件、Web 技术,采用系统集成的方式实现对中央空调自控系统的模拟实验,达到构建“空调自控系统网上虚拟实验室”的目的。实验内容满足工科暖通类、电气类,自动化类实验教学的基本要求,集成实验教学、实验操作与实验报告等多种功能模块,实现了从实验辅助、自主操作到实验报告的网络提交的操作与管理,能解决空调自动系统实验教学的需求,实现了空调自控系统实验教学方法的突破与创新。



中图分类号:TP391.9;G434                          文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0195-04

Application of Virtual Simulation Experiment in Experimental Teaching of Air Conditioning Automatic Control System

HUANG Guangguo, ZHU Haiqing, JIN Guangqing

(Shandong Dawei International Architectural Design Co., Ltd., Jinan 250002, China)

Abstract: By using configuration software, virtual simulation control software and Web technology, the simulation experiment of central air conditioning automatic control system is realized by system integration, and the purpose of “online virtual laboratory of air conditioning automatic control system” is achieved. The experiment content meets the basic requirements of engineering HVAC category, electrical category, automation category experimental teaching, integrates experimental teaching, experimental operation and experimental report and many other function modules, achieves the operation and management from the experiment auxiliary, autonomous operation to network submission of experiment report, can solve the experimental teaching requirements of air conditioning automatic system, realizes the breakthrough and innovation of the air conditioning automatic control system experimental teaching method.

Keywords: virtual simulation experiment; air conditioning automatic control system; experimental teaching


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