
“OBE”理念下工科课程逆向教学设计及其效果 定性研究 ——以数字图像处理为例
(江汉大学 人工智能学院,湖北 武汉 430056)

摘  要:数字图像处理涉及繁复的数学原理、众多的软件开发工具和实际应用场景,且行业技术更新速度快,学习难度大。在此背景下,首先剖析了课程教学过程中师生双方普遍存在的困境;然后以“OBE”理念为指导,通过“清楚聚焦”课程目标、“反向设计”教学内容、“混合式”教学方法及革新作业与考核评价形式,构建了新的教学模式。通过定性研究,以学生真实的学习体验、“成果输出”和学科竞赛迁移案例,证实了这种教学模式和改革方案对于提升学习体验和增强工程实践能力具有显著的促进作用。



基金项目: 江汉大学校级科研项目(2021yb052)

中图分类号:TP391;G642.4                             文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0178-07

Reverse Instructional Design of Engineering Courses under the Concept of “OBE” and its Effect Qualitative Research—Taking the Digital Image Processing as an Example

JIA Qian, LAI Zhongyuan

(School of Artificial Intelligence, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, China)

Abstract: Digital image processing involves complex mathematical principles, many software development tools and practical application scenarios, as well as the industry technology is updated quickly, and it’s very difficult to learn. Under this background, the predicament of both teachers and students in the course teaching process is firstly analyzed. Then, guided by “OBE” concept, a new teaching model has been constructed though the “clear focus” curriculum objectives, “reverse design” teaching content, “hybrid” teaching methods and innovating the form of homework, examination and evaluation. Through qualitative research, with the real learning experience of students, “achievement output” and subject competition transfer cases, it is confirmed that this teaching model and innovative scheme have a significant promoting role in improving the learning experience and enhancing the engineering practice ability.

Keywords: achievement-oriented education; digital image processing; hybrid teaching; engineering practice ability; qualitative research


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