摘 要:目前的网络协议分析实验教学往往单独使用 Wireshark 软件,学生难以深入了解网络协议的工作过程。通过将Wireshark 软件作为组件嵌入 GNS3 软件,并进一步在 Linux 平台下调用 Libpcap 接口解析协议,提供了一种新的网络协议分析教学方法。以 ARP 协议为例,采用提出的教学方法解析该协议,比单独使用 Wireshark 软件更清晰地观察到了协议工作的中间过程。该教学改革有望提高学生网络协议分析的能力,对网络协议分析实验教学具有一定的参考价值。
中图分类号:TP393;G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0185-04
Experimental Teaching Reform of Network Protocol Analysis Based on GNS3 + Wireshark
PENG Yulan¹, DAI Qiyi ¹, LI Jiarui ¹, LI Zonglei²
(1.Departmentof Cyberspace Security, Chengdu College of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China; 2.Department of Automation and Intelligent Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China)
Abstract: Current network protocol analysis experimental teaching normally uses singly Wireshark software, it is hard for students to understand the working process of the network protocols deeply. A new network protocol analysis teaching way is presented through embedding the Wireshark software into the GNS3 software as a component and calling and using the Libpcap interface to analyze the protocols in the Linux platform. Taking the ARP protocol as an example, this paper uses the proposed teaching way to analyze the protocol, and the intermediate process of the protocol work is observed more clearly than with the Wireshark software singly. This teaching reform may improve the capabilities of students in analyzing network protocols, and offer a certain reference value for network protocol analysis experimental teaching.
Keywords: GNS3; Wireshark; Libpcap; ARP; network protocol analysis
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