
(青岛工学院 信息工程学院,山东 青岛 266300)

摘  要:疫情背景下的“停课不停学、停课不停教”推动各高校陆续给出在线授课方案。在新形势下,教师如何进行网上授课,如何准备和选择最佳的在线教学资源、平台、工具,如何更有力地组织线上“混合式教学”,是机遇也是挑战。该案例以“数据库原理”课程为例,基于超星尔雅智慧教学平台,借助于多模态理论及多模态教学思想,构建以线上线下动态教学结构为核心,以开放性、多模态学习环境为全方位支撑的智慧教育背景下的线上多模态混合式教学。



基金项目:山东省教育教学研究青年课题 智慧教育背景下多模态混合式教学的创新发展研究(2020JXQ002)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                 文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0173-04   

Exploration on Multi-Modal Blending Learning Mode under the Background of Smart Education

ZHANG Shulian

(College of Information Engineering, Qingdao Institute of Technology, Qingdao 266300, China)

Abstract: Under the background of the epidemic, “suspending classes without stopping learning and teaching without stopping classes” has prompted colleges and universities to provide online teaching schemes one after another. Under the new situation, it is both an opportunity and a challenge for teachers to conduct online teaching, prepare and select the best online teaching resources, platforms and tools, and organize online “blending learning” more effectively. This case takes the course “Database Principles” as an example, based on the Chaoxing Erya smart teaching platform, with the help of multi-modal theory and multi-modal teaching ideas, builds an offline multimodal blending learning under the background of smart education, which takes the online and offline dynamic teaching structure as the core, the open and multi-modal learning environment as the all-round support.

Keywords: smart education; multi-modal; blending


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