
基于“前店后校,线上线下”模式的中职电子商务 实践教学
(昭平县职业教育中心,广西 贺州 546899)

摘  要:为了满足时代发展需求,中职学校逐步增设了电子商务专业。但此专业的实践教学还存在不足之处。文章从实践教学模式在中职电子商务教学中的重要性为切入点,分析了中职电子商务实践教学环节的实施原则、实践教学环节中存在的各种问题、构建“前店后校、线上线下”模式的中职电子商务实践教学理念等方面的问题,提出了以“前店后校,线上线下”模式为依托,实施中职电子商务实践教学几点策略。



基金项目:2021 年度广西职业教育教学改革研究项目(GXZZJG2021B300)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                      文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0177-04

Practical Teaching of Secondary Vocational E-Commerce Based on the Mode of “Front Store and Back School, Online and Offline”


(Zhaoping County Vocational Education Center, Hezhou 546899, China)

Abstract: In order to meet the development needs of the Times, secondary vocational schools have gradually added E-Commerce majors. However, there are still some shortcomings in the practical teaching of this major. This paper takes the importance of the practice teaching mode in the secondary vocational E-Commerce teaching as the breakthrough point, analyzes the implementation principle of secondary vocational E-Commerce practice teaching link, various problems existing in the practice teaching link, problems of aspects of building “front store and back school, online and offline” mode of secondary vocational E-Commerce practice teaching concept and so on. And it proposes to implement some strategies of secondary vocational E-Commerce practice teaching based on the “front store and back school, online and offline” mode.

Keywords: secondary vocational E-Commerce; practical teaching mode; online and offline; teaching innovation


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