
计算机等级考试导向下的智慧课堂实践研究 ——以“计算机基础”课程为例
(江苏联合职业技术学院运河分院,江苏 邳州 221300)

摘  要:基于新形势下高职院校学生对计算机等级考试的倍加关注,对高职“计算机基础”课程教学现状进行分析,以计算机等级考试为导向对“计算机基础”课程教学提出改革策略和设计思路,使用云班课智慧教学平台对“计算机基础”课程进行创新实践,使得计算机等级考试通过率和学生满意度均达到较为理想效果,“计算机基础”课程的教学质量得到全面提升。




中图分类号:TP39;G642                                文献标识码:A                             文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0181-04

Research on Smart Classroom Practice under the Guidance of National Computer Rank Examination—Taking the “Computer Foundation” Course as an Example

WANG Yange

(The Canal Branch of Jiangsu Union Technical Institute, Pizhou 221300, China)

Abstract: Based on the new situation, students in higher vocational colleges pay more attention to the National Computer Rank Examination, analyze the current teaching situation of the “Computer Foundation” course in higher vocational colleges, propose reform strategies and design ideas for the “Computer Foundation” course teaching guided by the National Computer Rank Examination, and use the cloud class smart teaching platform to carry out innovative practice on the “Computer Foundation” course. It makes the passing rate of National Computer Rank Examination and student satisfaction achieve ideal results, and the teaching quality of “Computer Foundation” course has been comprehensively improved.

Keywords: National Computer Rank Examination; cloud class; smart classroom


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