
基于 OBE 的翻转课堂混合教学模式应用研究 ——以“计算机网络”课程为例
(广东科学技术职业学院 物联网工程学院,广东 广州 510640)

摘  要:将 OBE 及翻转课堂理念,引入到“计算机网络”课程中,以“学生为本、先学后教、以学定教、教学合一”的理念为指导。线上线下相结合,扩展学习的时域,基于“一平三端”的“教学做打评”一体化学习体系,以及教学平台精准的大数据分析,促进了课程思政与教育教学的融合创新,能有效提升教学效果,具有推广价值。本研究的教学模式经过实践,初步验证了其可操作性和有效性。




中图分类号:TP39;G434                                 文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0183-05

Research on Application of Flipped Classroom Blending Learning Mode Based on OBE—Taking the“Computer Network”Course as an Example

HAN Haixiao

(School of Internet of Things Engineering, Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)

Abstract: The concepts of OBE and flipped classroom are introduced into the“computer network”course and guided by the concept of “student-centered, learning before teaching, teaching by learning, and teaching in one”. The combination of online and offline can expand the time domain of learning, the integrated learning system of “teaching and evaluation” based on “one level and three ends” and the accurate big data analysis of the teaching platform promote the integration and innovation of curriculum ideological and political education and teaching, effectively improve the teaching effect and have promotion value. The teaching mode of this research has preliminarily verified its operability and effectiveness through practice.

Keywords: OBE; flipped classroom; blending learning; teaching mode; computer network


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