
整数规划中的数学实验和 Lingo 教学研究
(玉林师范学院 数学与统计学院,广西 玉林 537000)

摘  要:整数规划是运筹学课程的核心内容之一,运用传统计算方法来求解整数规划问题相对来说计算量较大,比较烦琐。而通过运用数学软件来进行教学,可以使得其变得方便简单明了,而且加强数学实验教学和数学软件应用教学是高等院校加强数学基础教学和数学应用教学的重要内容。文章通过 Lingo 软件在几种整数规划模型教学过程中的应用说明 Lingo 在整数规划数学实验教学的重要性。




中图分类号:TP39;G642.3                                     文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0191-05

Mathematical Experiment in Integer Programming and Lingo Teaching Research

BIN Maojun, MENG Zi

(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Yulin Normal University, Yulin 537000, China)

Abstract: Integer programming is one of the core contents of operations research course. Using traditional computing methods to solve integer programming problems is relatively computationally expensive and cumbersome. By using mathematical software to teach, we can make it convenient and simple. In addition, it is important for colleges and universities to strengthen mathematics experiment teaching and mathematics software application teaching to strengthen mathematics basic teaching and mathematics application teaching. This paper illustrates the importance of Lingo in the experimental teaching of integer programming mathematics through the application of Lingo software in the teaching process of several integer programming models

Keywords: operations research; integer programming; mathematical experiment; Lingo


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