
MATLAB 可视化在数学物理方法教学中的运用研究
(广东海洋大学 电子与信息工程学院,广东 湛江 524088)

摘  要:数学物理方法是物理类专业学生的一门重要的专业基础课,如何激发学生的学习热情、提高教学效果是课程改革的重要目标。结合具体实例介绍了复变函数中初等函数的可视化,积分变换中周期函数傅里叶级数展开及迭代可视化过程,数理方程中细弦振动解析解和特殊函数可视化展示。利用 MATLAB 软件绘制图形,将抽象、复杂理论以具体、形象的形式展示出来,加强学生对相应知识的理解和应用。在数学物理方法教学中引入 MATLAB 可视化能够使传统的课堂教学更加形象化,有助于强化学生对教学内容的理解。



基金项目:2021 年广东海洋大学教育教学改革项目(010201112104);2022 年广东海洋大学校级课程 - 数学物理方法(010301112202)

中图分类号:TP391.9;G434                                 文献标识码:A                           文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0195-04

Research on Application of MATLAB Visualization in Mathematical Physics Method Teaching

TIAN Xiuyun, WANG Wenhua, CHEN Chunlei, WANG Hui, LI Shende

(College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China)

Abstract: Mathematical physics method is an important major basic course for students majoring in physics. How to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning and improve teaching effect is an important goal of curriculum reform. The visualization of elementary functions in complex functions, the expansion and iterative visualization process of Fourier series of periodic functions in integral transformation, the analytical solution of fine string vibration in mathematical equations and the visualization of special functions are introduced combined with specific examples. This paper uses MATLAB software to draw graphics, shows the abstract and complex theories in the form of concrete and vivid form to strengthen students' understanding and application of the corresponding knowledge. The introduction of MATLAB visualization in the teaching of mathematical physics methods can make the traditional classroom teaching more visual, which is helpful to strengthen students' understanding of the teaching content.

Keywords: MATLAB; mathematical physics method; visualization; teaching


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