
基于大数据的精准教学在珠宝检测类课程中的 改革与应用
(广州番禺职业技术学院,广东 广州 511483)

摘  要:珠宝产业转型升级,作为产业链重要环节的珠宝首饰检测行业由传统向数字化发展。但目前教学中存在教学目标、教学资源建设、教学组织实施及评价等方面的问题。以“数据 + 模型”的方式固化一线首饰检测经验,由“师傅传帮带”转为“数字化传承”的信息化教学改革。通过自主开发可视化多维信息智能教学系统,设置科学合理的多元评价体系,开展珠宝检测类课程精准教学模式的实践,凸显大数据驱动下精准教学在珠宝职业教育领域的应用价值。



基金项目:广州市高等学校第十一批教育教学改革项目 (2021JG216);教育部科技发展中心产学研创新基金项目(2020ITA02016)

中图分类号:TP39;G712                                文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0178-04

Reform and Application of Precision Teaching Based on Big Data in Jewelry Testing Course

JIN Lili

(Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic, Guangzhou 511483, China)

Abstract: With the transformation and upgrading of the jewelry industry, the jewelry detection industry, as an important link in the industrial chain, is developing from traditional to digital. However, there are some problems in current teaching, such as teaching objectives, teaching resources construction, teaching organization implementation and evaluation, and other aspects. It solidifies the experience of firstline jewelry testing in the way of “data + model”, and conducts the information teaching reform from “teacher teaching” to “digital inheritance”. By independently developing a visual multi-dimensional information intelligent teaching system, setting a scientific and reasonable multiple evaluation system, and carrying out the practice of precise teaching mode of jewelry detection type of courses, the application value of precision teaching driven by big data in the field of jewelry vocational education is highlighted.

Keywords: big data; precision teaching; jewelry testing


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