
(云南师范大学 信息学院,云南 昆明 650500)

摘  要:多模态教学知识图谱是促进智慧教育的主要手段之一。文章根据学科核心素养发展理念,通过梳理多模态知识图谱的研究现状,以高中“信息技术”课程为例,收集了图片、音频、视频等形式的关于高中信息技术课程的多模态教学资源,设计基于学科核心素养的多模态教学知识图谱构建框架,使用 Neo4j 图数据库构建了关于高中信息技术课程的多模态教学知识图谱模式。



中图分类号:TP391.1;G42                               文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0173-06

Research on the Construction of Multi-Modal Teaching Knowledge Graph Based on the Discipline Core Literacy

CHA Siyue, ZHANG Xiu, LI Hong

(School of Information Science and Technology, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China)

Abstract: Multi-modal teaching knowledge graph is one of the main method to promote Smart Education. Based on the development concept of subject core literacy, this paper combs the current research status of multi-modal knowledge graph, takes the high school “Information Technology” course as an example, and collects multi-modal teaching resources about high school information technology courses in the form of pictures, audios, videos, and other forms. It designs a multi-modal teaching knowledge graph construction framework based on discipline core literacy, and constructs a multi-modal teaching knowledge graph model for high school information technology courses by using the Neo4j graph database.

Keywords: discipline core literacy; multi-modal teaching knowledge graph; construction


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作者简介:茶思月(1997—),女,彝族,云南大理人,硕士在读,研究方向:教育技术应用研究;张秀(1998—),女,汉族,云南昆明人,硕士在读,研究方向:教育技术应用研究 ; 通讯作者:李红(1970—),女,回族,云南昆明人,就业处处长,博士,研究方向:教育技术学应用。