
(烟台理工学院,山东 烟台 264000)

摘  要:文章基于混合式学习主要特点,运用大数据、云计算等技术,在理论研究基础上,根据高校公共课课程教学大纲和学生特点,结合升学、就业、等级考试、职业资格考试等所涉及的思政、数学、英语、计算机、大学语文等方面知识点,重构公共课课程知识体系,并根据实际需求搭建在线学习考试平台并予以实践应用,实践证明,该平台能很好地满足师生个性化需求。



基金项目:烟台大学文经学院 2020 年度教改项目(2020JYB29);山东省教育教学研究课题(2021JXY040);山东省教育科学“十三五”规划 2019 年度课题(BYZK201905);烟台理工学院院校研究课题(2021JYFZY03)

中图分类号:TP311                                      文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0195-04

Development and Practice of Blending Online Learning Examination Platform of Public Courses in Colleges and Universities


(Yantai Institute of Technology, Yantai 264000, China)

Abstract: Based on the main characteristics of blending learning, this paper uses big data, cloud computing and other technologies, on the basis of theoretical research, according to the syllabus of public courses and the characteristics of students in colleges and universities, and combines with the ideological and political, mathematical, English, computer, college Chinese and other knowledge points involved in the entrance examination, employment, grade examination and vocational qualification examination and so on, reconstructs the public course knowledge system. According to the actual needs, the online learning and examination platform is built and applied in practice. The practice has proved that this platform can well meet the personalized needs of teachers and students.

Keywords: big data; cloud computing; college public course; blending learning; online learning and examination platform


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