
OBE-BOPPPS 线上线下混合教学法在传感器与 检测技术课程中的应用
(宁夏理工学院 电气信息工程学院,宁夏 石嘴山 753000)

摘  要:在 OBE 教学理念下,采用 BOPPPS 教学模式,将课程毕业要求指标点与课程目标紧密衔接,贯穿于教学的实施过程,并融合项目案例升华教学内容,实现以学习成果为导向,构建课前 - 课中 - 课后闭环反馈教学系统。课前学生根据学习任务单进行线上自主学习,课中师生互动学,以教师解答问题和学生完成训练任务为主,课后根据学生学习的反馈结果进行线上答疑解惑和实操训练。教学改革表明,OBE-BOPPPS 线上线下教学模式有助于学生自主学习和探索,实现了以学生为中心的主动性的课堂教学,教学效果显著。



基金项目:宁夏青年科技人才托举工程(TJGC2019018);宁夏自然科学基金项目(2022AACO3347);宁夏理工学院校级“互联网 + 教育 智慧教学项目(NLJY202006)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                 文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0179-04

Application of OBE-BOPPPS Online and Offline Blending Learning Method in the Course of Sensor and Detection Technology

LI Xiaomin, ZHAO Yanli

(School of Electronic Information Engineering, Ningxia Institute of Science and Technology, Shizuishan 753000, China)

Abstract: Under the OBE teaching concept, this paper adopts BOPPPS teaching mode, closely connects the index points of curriculum graduation requirements with the curriculum objectives, which runs through the implementation process of teaching, and integrates project cases to sublimate the teaching content, so as to achieve the learning achievement-oriented. And it builds a closed-loop feedback teaching system of before class, during class and after class. Before class, students learn independently online according to the learning task list. During class, teachers and students learn interactively, focusing on teachers answering questions and students completing training tasks. After class, teachers answer questions online according to the feedback results of students' learning, and students carry on practical training. The teaching reform shows that OBE-BOPPPS online and offline teaching mode is conducive to students' independent learning and exploration, and student-centered active classroom teaching is realized. The teaching effect is remarkable.

Keywords: OBE; BOPPPS; teaching reform; online and offline


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