摘 要:为有效服务国家“双碳”目标,为高校在低碳领域专业、学科建设以及人才培养方面尽一份力,团队教师对“电工电子学”系列课程进行改革,创新性地构建了“双碳”目标背景下的“三阶 + 四化 + 五步”教学创新模式。该模式从课程目标确立、教学内容设计、教学手段运用、考核方式改革等方面入手,以慕课资源为前导,从生活实例出发,以问题驱动展开,以课程思政贯穿,以低碳技术为拓展。教学实践表明效果较好,有利于学生低碳意识的觉醒和能力价值的培养。
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0175-05
Blending Learning Innovation and Practice of“Three-Stage + Four-Modernization + Five-Step”under the Background of “Double Carbon”Goal—A Case of “Electrician Electronics”
(School of Mechanical and Control Engineering, Shandong Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Technology, Dongying 257061, China)
Abstract: In order to effectively serve the national“double carbon”goal and make a contribution to the specialty, discipline construction and personnel training in low-carbon field in colleges and universities, team teachers have reformed the series of courses of “Electrician Electronics”, and innovatively constructed the “three-stage + four-modernization + five-step” teaching innovation mode under the background of“double carbon”goal. This model starts with the establishment of curriculum objectives, the design of teaching contents, the use of teaching means, the reform of assessment methods, and other aspects, takes the MOOC resources as the forerunner, starts with life examples, develops with problem-driven, runs through the ideological and political courses, and expands with low-carbon technology. The teaching practice shows that the effect is good, which is conducive to the awakening of students' low-carbon consciousness and the cultivation of ability value.
Keywords: “dual carbon”goal; basic courses of electricity; teaching reform
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