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(32620 部队,甘肃 兰州 730000)

摘  要:不同部队的工作范围各不相同,但所有部队都肩负着维护国家和人民安全, 以及社会稳定的重要职责。因此,为促进部队高效执行任务,做好通信设备和通信系统的保养工作十分重要,本文以部队通信设备的特点为出发点,阐述了做好其维护和保养工作的意义,并提出具体的维护保养策略。


中图分类号:TN915.05         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0057-03

Maintenance and Maintenance of Army Communication Equipment and
Communication System
DAI Xiaoyuan
(32620 Troops,Lanzhou 730000)

Abstract:The scope of work of different units varies,but all units bear the important responsibility of maintaining national and people’s security and social stability. Therefore,in order to promote the efficient implementation of the tasks of the army,it is very important to do a good job in the maintenance of communication equipment and communication system. Starting from the characteristics of the communication equipment in the army,this paper expounds the significance of doing a good job in the maintenance and maintenance of the communication equipment,and put forward specific maintenance strategies.

Keywords:communication equipment;communication system;maintenance


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作者简介:代晓媛(1974.03-),女,汉族,甘肃静宁人,技术8 级,本科,研究方向:通信技术。