摘 要:本文首先介绍了电信网络诈骗的特征,总结为隐秘性与多样化两方面内容。在此基础上重点探讨数字媒体技术应用在电信网络诈骗系统防范中的有效措施,包括电信网络诈骗安全防范系统构建形成的途径,可以作为电信网络诈骗防范系统应用形成的技术参照,提升用户个人信息的安全性。
中图分类号:D917.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0055-02
Research on the Prevention of Telecom Network Fraud System Based on
Digital Media Technology
ZHOU Linmei
(Changsha Commerce and Tourism College,Changsha 410116,China)
Abstract:Firstly,this paper introduces the characteristics of telecom network fraud,and summarizes it into two aspects:concealment and diversification. On this basis,this paper focuses on the effective measures of digital media technology application in the prevention of telecommunication network fraud system,including the way to construct the security prevention system of telecommunication network fraud,which can be used as a technical reference for the formation and application of telecommunication network fraud prevention system and enhance the user’s personal information security.
Keywords:digital media technology;telecom network fraud;security precautions
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