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(武汉交通职业学院,湖北 武汉 430065)

摘  要:随着科学技术的发展和进步,互联网逐渐深入到社会生活的各个领域,推动着社会的发展和进步,并作为为社会生活提供技术支持的重要保障。电力信息的通信覆盖面积较广、信息量大,因此需要强有力的通信技术做支撑。本文主要分析了网络技术在电力信息通信中的应用范围,并分析了网络技术在电力信息通信中应用的现状与问题,对这些问题有针对性地提出解决对策,旨在提升网络技术在电力信息通信中的应用水平,促使网络技术在电力信息通信中发光发热、贡献力量。


中图分类号:TM73         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0072-02

Application of Network Technology in Power Information Communication under New Situation
SHI Yaqi
(Wuhan Technical College of Communications,Wuhan 430065,China)

Abstract:With the development and progress of science and technology,the internet has gradually penetrated into all areas of social life. It as an important guarantee to provide technical support for social life,gradually promoting social development and progress. Power information communication covers a wide area and has a large amount of information,so it needs strong communication technology to support it. This paper mainly analyses the application scope of network technology in electric power information communication,and analyses the current situation and problems of network technology in electric power information communication. Aiming at these problems,the paper puts forward corresponding solutions. These solutions can improve the application level of network technology in electric power information communication,and promote network technology to contribute to the power information communication.

Keywords:network technology;power information communication;communication technology


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