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(中时讯通信建设有限公司,广东 广州 510030)

摘  要:在通信工程中,光缆有两种敷设方式,一种是架空敷设,另一种是地埋敷设。为此,作业人员应当对相关的施工技术加以了解和掌握。基于此,本文首先阐述了通信管道施工技术,随后对通信光缆线路架空与地埋施工进行论述,并提出探测装置的应用。期望通过本文的研究能够对通信光缆施工效率和质量的提升有所帮助。


中图分类号:TN913.33         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0074-02

Innovative Application of Overhead and Buried Detection Devices for
Communication Pipelines and Optical Cable Lines
TONG Jianchun
(China Eracom Contracting and Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510030,China)

Abstract:In communications engineering,there are two laying methods of optical cable,one is overhead laying,the other is buried laying. Therefore,the operators should understand and master the relevant construction technology. Based on this point,this paper first describes the construction technology of communication pipeline,then discusses the construction of overhead and underground construction of communication cable line,and puts forward the application of detection device. It is expected that the study in this paper can be helpful to improve the construction efficiency and quality of communication cable.

Keywords:communication channel;fiber optic cable overhead;fiber optic cable buried;detection device


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